Key Strategies That Can Mitigate Data Leaks and Breaches


We live in an age where technology dominates much of our daily lives. Whether it’s entertainment, cooking food, or the job that we go to every day, most of us have to interact with tools and equipment to get things done. Although many of these devices don’t use user data and information, there are many devices today that will usually handle user data and information. Computers, smartphones, and laptops are generally used by users to access social media platforms, websites and even conduct business through networks that store customer data.

It’s important to note that data and information are fundamental in this time and age. There are practically thousands of businesses worldwide that are constantly looking to gain essential data about customers and their target demographic. Why is that so?

Many business organizations and corporations value information since it’s used to draw up plans and strategies that are vital to streamlining daily operations. At the same time, these data are also considered sensitive and confidential since they will usually contain personal information. Malicious entities will usually use this information to their advantage, including exploiting credit card data, banking data, and personal information.

In the past few years, cases of data breaches and crimes related to cybersecurity have been on the rise. There’s an estimate that many of these crimes have caused around $6 trillion worth of damages yearly. Although many large corporations have state-of-the-art cybersecurity software and a dedicated team of IT experts, many small-to-medium businesses don’t have the same luxury. In many cases, hackers will usually target these more vulnerable organizations with the proper cybersecurity framework.

But the good news here is that many businesses are well aware of the vulnerability that many small-to-medium enterprises face from these malicious entities. Here are some essential strategies that you’ll need to consider in this situation.

Prevention Is Key

data protection

First and most importantly, one of the most important things that you’ll need to consider in this situation is that many information infrastructures and networks will rely on hardware such as servers and other types of systems. When a data breach usually happens, the damage could take weeks or even months to recover. In certain situations, the damage could be permanent.

Not only do data breaches result in long-term or permanent damage, but they can also tarnish the reputation of the business, especially from the public’s perspective. That said, the most effective way of addressing data breaches is by effectively preventing them outright.

However, the process of preventing a data breach will require a rigid IT infrastructure. It will also require advanced forms of technological solutions in firewalls, backups, detection of malware, scanning for vulnerabilities in the system, cyber hygiene, and encryption. For many small businesses, these might seem like complicated procedures that could have a hefty price tag. Fortunately, many cybersecurity services have professional cybersecurity maturity model certification that can help ensure that data and information are kept safe with maximum security in mind.

Managing Risks

Another essential strategy that needs to be addressed if a cyber intrusion happens is effectively managing risks. Murphy’s law should be taken into account when it comes to cybersecurity and safety: what can go wrong will go wrong. If a cyberattack could result in a data breach, the worst scenario should be expected to help optimize the system for the best results.

Recent studies have shown that more than half of companies will lose critical data and information for permanent damage from server shutdowns and breaches. If this is the case, it’s paramount to consider every risk and identify what could be done. Once these have been determined, resources should be redirected towards areas at risk of being damaged from these attacks.

Asset Management

Lastly, an essential part of mitigating data breaches is by comprehensively classifying different assets of your business. By doing so, it’s easier to organize the appropriate level of protection that is needed. It’s important to ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is this data critical to the company’s needs?
  • Which type of information will require the most security?
  • How much will it cost to secure such assets, and is it worth it?

These are just some questions that you’ll need to ask yourself.

As you can see, there are many factors and strategies that you’ll need to consider when it comes to preventing and controlling the damage that’s being done to your information infrastructure. Although these might seem a bit daunting at first glance, many services can help you achieve top cybersecurity. It’s essential to keep in mind that these investments are vital towards business continuity. After all, safety and security should be your priority.

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