Learning About Future Tech for the Post-COVID-19 Office


The workplace is quickly becoming more productive, thanks to rapid advancements in technology. The long-term effects of COVID-19 have accelerated the adoption of these new technologies and transformed how workplaces function today.

By maximizing the use of innovations, offices have the capability to evolve with the shifting work landscape.  We have compiled several useful tools that will prioritize safety, efficiency, and employee productivity as the world makes its way towards a time after COVID-19.

Security Systems

Many offices are adopting a flexible setup once government restrictions ease. This hybrid arrangement requires new security measures to carefully monitor the traffic of employees coming in and going out.

Card Access Systems

It is time to move past manual locks to reach different access points in the workplace. Install an access control system that uses employee cards to allow entry into different areas. A central access system simplifies the process of limiting access for sensitive areas in the workplace.

Aside from sparing employees the trouble of bringing bulky keys, card access systems keep logs of visitors in every room with a simple swipe of a card. In the event of an emergency, employees are easily tracked and narrowed down through records.

Retina and Iris Scanners

The post-pandemic period will maintain a significant level of cautiousness for all employees. Limiting physical contact with surfaces and fellow employees will promote safe and sanitary practices in the workplace.

In addition to card access controls, retinal scanners identify employees through the unique patterns on their eyes. These are preferable security systems for offices that require a high level of security, such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other government agencies.

Retina scanners, however, are not to be confused with iris scanners, which instead scan the pattern of blood vessels on the irises. Retina scanners use infrared light to trace the retina, but iris scanners rely on camera technology. This is why iris scanners are considered a less-invasive identification method.

Visitor Management Software

In pre-COVID-19 times, many offices used a physical record book to track visitors to office premises. Record books include names, affiliated companies, purposes for a visit, and times in and out. These logbooks make it easier to lose information due to issues such as lack of legibility and inaccurate inputs.

visitor management software makes the whole process digital. This promotes a faster way to gather more accurate information. It also collects all input in a database for easier browsing.

Virtual Office


A flexible work setup necessitates the availability of all necessary files and documents both at home and in the office. For both in-office workers and remote employees to effectively collaborate, they must have equal access to projects. New technologies make this possible.

Cloud Computing

Any business seeking to get ahead post-COVID-19 needs to migrate to the cloud ASAP. Its first advantage is a large amount of digital storage it provides for a business that can also reduce physical clutter in the workplace. Cloud storage also enables remote and simultaneous collaboration on various files.

Having digital files hosted by a cloud provider also prevents data loss. The responsibility of backing up files stored online and avoiding data theft falls on the provider, which regularly updates their systems to keep mishaps from happening.

Project Management

A virtual workplace also needs a virtual bulletin to keep employees on the same page regarding tasks and ongoing projects.

A project management software accomplishes this in a sophisticated manner. The tools included in the software put together every step of a project by allowing a team to visually organize different parts of it as necessary. There is a wide variety of tools available in the market, which fit different work setups.

Wayfinding Apps

In a big workplace that aims to follow physical distancing protocols, it is necessary to monitor traffic in hallways and occupancy of conference halls and meeting rooms. It may not seem like a vital feature for the post-pandemic office, but a floor management tool avoids the congestion in any area and makes it faster to find vacant rooms for meetings.

Wayfinding apps show a digital version of the work plan of a corporate building, usually with additional information about where employees are currently located and which rooms are booked for a certain time. These are especially useful for large workplaces, as they make it easier to find the right rooms more quickly than looking through a directory.

The workplace of the future—that is, the post-pandemic workplace is heavily reliant on the latest technology to run smoothly. Perform an assessment of your office needs and orient employees on what will be introduced to easily transition into this brand new work environment.

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