A Few Apps That Have Changed the Last Decade


They weren’t lying when the computing forefathers said the world would be at the people’s fingertips. This might have referred to people’s affinity for computer before, but now, it is applicable to everyone’s dependence on their smartphones. And that is all thanks to different mobile applications or apps.

The last decade has seen significant proliferations of apps, ranging from gaming to dating and even business inventory systems. But there are a few standouts that have changed people’s lives and shaped the last ten years or so. If you want to take a look at how the world has changed or just want to appreciate how these little tools have improved people’s life, here is a list of the top apps that carve their places into the recent history.

Facebook and Twitter

Facebook and Twitter are obviously in this list, knowing that they have made the world more connected than ever. Other than being platforms that help people stay in touch with each other, they have also become an avenue for businesses to reach more potential customers. They have become a repository of various digital materials, such as memes, videos and the like.


Instagram, which is also owned by Facebook, has changed people’s mindset about aesthetic and curation. While many consider it as a digital scrapbook, a lot of creative people use this as a platform to showcase their works in the fields of photography and visual arts. Businesses have also had a chance to curate images of their brand, making theirs more marketable and relatable.


It’s hard to hail taxis, and it may take you some time before you get to the bus terminal or train station. Thankfully, Uber was invented. This simple app connects you to car owners, thus allowing you to reach your destination much more easily conveniently. It does not only benefit the passengers but also the car owner who wants to make extra income. Talk about win-win situation.


AirBnB has completely shaken the travel sector. This does not only provide users a place to stay when they are traveling, but it also brings them closer to the culture of their destinations. It is all about experience, as it gives travelers a chance to live like a local by living in a conventional home being close to the places frequented by the denizens. AirBnb also allows travelers to take part in activities and excursions that allow them to immerse themselves in the culture of the place.


Together with other instant messaging apps, WhatsApp has changed the world, as it allows users to message or call their friends and families over the Internet. This means that people can forego high call and text rates from service providers.



Music consumption has never been the same with the launch of Spotify. It does not only give listeners a chance to widen their preferences and discover more genres, but it also provides aspiring music artists a platform to showcase their craft.

What’s next?

The next big thing in the mobile app industry is yet to be determined. But there have been many potentials on the market right now. If you are an aspiring app builder, you need to understand that the first thing you need to do is find a human need that others have not seen yet. Do something about it, and let innovation guide you.

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